The presiding state of the European Union (further - presidency) leads the work of the Council of the European Union (the Council of the European Union is called European Council when it brings together the heads of states of the European Union, or the Council of Ministers when the ministers of the respective fields meet). The presidency, in coordinatiaon with the European Commission, organizes the agenda of the European Council and Council of Ministers, according to the priorities set out by the presidency. The presidency is changed every 6 months in accord with the principle of rotation.


Priorities of Danish Presidency in the field of employment and social policy
/the first half of 2012/

Responsibilities of European Union presiding country was taken from Poland by Denmark on January 1, 2012; it has set forth the main priorities in the field of employment and social policy for the second half of 2012 (January 1 - June 30, 2012):

  • reduction of youth unemployment as well as increase in labour force offer,
  • social policy providing equal opportunities to everyone.

Within the first half of 2012 Danish Presidency intends to pay attention to such issues as demographic changes and increase in labour force offer by involving youth and women more actively in labour market, by making a better work-life balance, by promoting lifelong learning and facilitating the increased employment of persons who are not capable of full participation in labour market. Taking into account that the year of 2012 is European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, Danish Presidency will make efforts to facilitate the complete use of elderly people's knowledge and experience as well as continue a debate launched by European Year of Volunteering regarding the volunteers' assistance to elderly people.

Danish Presidency plans to actively engage in implementing EU strategy for persons with disability. Continuing what was launched by Europe 2020 Strategy, Danish Presidency is going to focus on current problems regarding the high level of youth and long-term unemployment. With regard to White Paper on pensions Presidency plans a debate in Council about problems related to demographic changes.

It is planned to pay a special attention also to issues of work environment and labour protection as well as providing the service of sending of employees.

In the field of gender equality Council will continue its work regarding to process attained by UN Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in elaborating the indices about women and environment. At the same time an emphasis will be put also to issue of gender differences in choice of education.

Danish Presidency internet home page: