Labour Law provides that if an employee has been posted to perform work in Latvia, then, irrespective of law applicable to the employment contract and employment legal relationships, such posted employee shall be ensured the working conditions and employment provisions provided for by the regulatory enactments of Latvia, as wall as by collective agreements which have been recognised as generally binding and which regulate:
1) maximum working time and minimums rest time;The Labour Law sets forth the requirements with respect to working time and rest time, stipulating both the duration and types of working time, organisation of working time, as well as various types of rest periods – breaks in work, daily and weekly rest periods and leave.
According to the general principle regular daily working time of an employee may not exceed 8 hours, but regular weekly working time – 40 hours. At the same time overtime work (work performed in addition to regular working time) may not exceed an average of 8 hours in seven day period that is calculated within the accounting period that does not exceed four months. Besides Labour Law prescribes that the length of a one-day rast within 24 hours shall not be less than 12 consecutive hours, but the length of a weekly rest period within a seven-day period shall not be less than 42 consecutive hours.