- 2012-2013
The Study “Work conditions and risks in Latvia 2012-2013” was carried out within the project “Practical application of the legislation regarding labour relations and occupational safety in sectors and companies” with financial support of the European Social Fund of the European Union and the state of Latvia.
Objective of the Study was to carry out analysis of the development of labour safety system in dynamics by evaluation implementation of the proposals provided in similar studies both in 2005–2007 and in 2009–2010.
This Study shall provide additional analytic data in the fields of occupational health, occupational safety and legal labour relations to be potentially serving as a background for adoption of rational and effective decisions for the creation of employment and social policy programs and provision of sustainable development, as well as improvement of the situation of occupational health and safety in different target groups (for example, youth, micro-enterprises etc.).
Study was carried out by "TNS Latvia Ltd." and Riga Stradins University Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health.