EaSI National Contact Point
- Office of the Minister
- Office of the Secretary of State
Children and Family Policy Department
Labor Relations and Labor Protection Policy Department
Labor Relations and Labor Protection Policy Department
Māris Badovskis
Departamenta direktorsmaris.badovskis [at] lm.gov.lv -
Labor Market Policy Department
Labor Market Policy Department
Imants Lipskis
Departamenta direktorsimants.lipskis [at] lm.gov.lv -
Managing Authority of the European Support Fund for the Most Deprived
European Union Structural Funds Department
European Union Structural Funds Department
Sarmīte Vepere
Departamenta direktoresarmite.vepere [at] lm.gov.lv -
Financial Management Department
Financial Management Department
Aija Grīnberga
Valsts sekretāra vietnieceAija.Grinberga [at] lm.gov.lv -
Accounting department
Internal Audit Department
Internal Audit Department
Ingūna Trūle
Departamenta direktoreinguna.trule [at] lm.gov.lv -
Information Technology Department
Information Technology Department
Inese Barbare
Departamenta direktoreinese.barbare [at] lm.gov.lv -
Legal department
Communication department
Communication department
Aiga Isajeva
Komunikācijas nodaļas vadītājaAiga.Isajeva [at] lm.gov.lv -
Department of social work and social assistance policy
Department of social work and social assistance policy
Ilze Skrodele-Dubrovska
Departamenta direktoreilze.skrodele-dubrovska [at] lm.gov.lv -
Personnel and Document Management Department
Social Insurance Department
Social Insurance Department
Sandra Stabiņa
Departamenta direktoresandra.stabina [at] lm.gov.lv -
Social Policy Planning and Development Department
Social Policy Planning and Development Department
Diāna Jakaite
Valsts sekretāra vietnieceDiana.Jakaite [at] lm.gov.lv -
Department of Social Services and Disability Policy Department
Department of Social Services and Disability Policy Department
Aldis Dūdiņš
Departamenta direktorsaldis.dudins [at] lm.gov.lv -
International Cooperation and EU Policy Department
International Cooperation and EU Policy Department
Ineta Tāre
Departamenta direktoreineta.tare [at] lm.gov.lv -
LM projects to be implemented
- ESF+ Project ‘Support Instruments to Reduce Domestic Violence’
ESF+ Project ‘Support Instruments to Reduce Domestic Violence’
Madara Mazjāne
ESF+ projekta “Atbalsta instrumenti vardarbības ģimenē mazināšana” vecākā eksperteMadara.Mazjane [at] lm.gov.lv - ESF projekts "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai"
ESF projekts "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai"
Diāna Balode
ESF projekta "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai" vadītājadiana.balode [at] lm.gov.lv - ESF projekts “Sociālo pakalpojumu kvalitātes un efektivitātes paaugstināšana”
ESF projekts “Sociālo pakalpojumu kvalitātes un efektivitātes paaugstināšana”
Baiba Stankēviča
ESF projekta "Sociālo pakalpojumu kvalitātes un efektivitātes paaugstināšana” vadītājaBaiba.Stankevica [at] lm.gov.lv - Projekts "Profesionāla un mūsdienīga sociālā darba attīstība"
Projekts "Profesionāla un mūsdienīga sociālā darba attīstība"
Agnese Bīdermane
Projekta vadītājaagnese.bidermane [at] lm.gov.lv
- ESF+ Project ‘Support Instruments to Reduce Domestic Violence’
Information Technology Department
Information Technology Department
Inese Barbare
Departamenta direktoreinese.barbare [at] lm.gov.lv