
Baiba Stankēviča

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" manager
Baiba.Stankevica [at] lm.gov.lv

Inese Zintberga

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" senior expert
Inese.Zintberga [at] lm.gov.lv

Sandra Miķelsone-Slava

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" senior expert
Sandra.Mikelsone-Slava [at] lm.gov.lv

Līva Vīksne

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" senior expert
Liva.Viksne [at] lm.gov.lv

Natālija Gerasimova

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" coordinator
Natalija.Gerasimova [at] lm.gov.lv

Signe Jānelsiņa

ESF project "Increasing the quality and efficiency of social services" leading financier
Signe.Janelsina [at] lm.gov.lv