The presiding state of the European Union (further - presidency) leads the work of the Council of the European Union (the Council of the European Union is called European Council when it brings together the heads of states of the European Union, or the Council of Ministers when the ministers of the respective fields meet). The presidency, in coordinatiaon with the European Commission, organizes the agenda of the European Council and Council of Ministers, according to the priorities set out by the presidency. The presidency is changed every 6 months in accord with the principle of rotation.


The priorities of Cyprus Presidency in the area of employment and social policy (the 2nd half of 2012 /

On the 1st July 2012 the obligations of the Presidency of the European Union were handed over from Denmark to Cyprus whose main priorities in the area of employment and social policy in the 2nd half of 2012 (1st July 2012 - 31st December 2012) are as follows:

-    the strengthening of the social cohesion focusing special attention to the issues the children welfare, active participation, the participation of elderly people and the solidarity between generations,

-    investments in more and better jobs and the improvement of the skills to fight the unemployment of young people,

-    the strengthening of the participation of social partners and society in the implementation of the strategy "Europe 2020" regarding the employment and social inclusion goals, at the same time promoting the exchange of the best practice on the level of Member States and Europe,

-    the assessment of the UN Beijing Platform for Action and the development of the indicators on the violence against women. At the same time Cyprus Presidency will pay attention also to the issue regarding the difference of the pay between women and men.

Cyprus Presidency also plans to continue the commenced work on the proposals regarding the posting of personnel in the service area, the protection of employees against the risk caused by the electromagnetic field and the work of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund.

Cyprus Presidency website: