The presiding state of the European Union (further - presidency) leads the work of the Council of the European Union (the Council of the European Union is called European Council when it brings together the heads of states of the European Union, or the Council of Ministers when the ministers of the respective fields meet). The presidency, in coordination with the European Commission, organizes the agenda of the European Council and Council of Ministers, according to the priorities set out by the presidency. The presidency is changed every 6 months in accord with the principle of rotation.


Priorities of Polish Presidency in the field of employment and social policy
/the second half of 2011/

Responsibilities of European Union presiding country was taken by Poland on July 1, 2011; it has set forth the main priorities in the field of employment and social policy for the second half of 2011 (July 1 - December 31, 2011):

  • intergenerational solidarity and Europe's demographic future,
  • active (working) Europe,
  • civic partnership: public authorities and non-governmental organizations in the implementation of social policy goals.

Within the framework of intergenerational solidarity the Presidency will promote measures facilitating work-life balance, including improved access to childcare and elderly care services, extending the professional activity in the labour market, mobility of labour force and increasing the importance of social dialogue for the achievement of  social policy goals. At the same time work will continue on revising Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the in the safety and health at work for pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or breastfeeding. Polish Presidency will also elaborate Council conclusions on work-life balance.

In order to implement the Active Europe priority, the Presidency will launch a debate on flexicurity model's impact on the level of employment of older people. It is planned to evaluate during the second six months of 2011 how the economic crisis has contributed to labour market reforms and propose and outlook for the future of the European labour market after 2020. At the same time the Presidency will start working on the amendments for the regulation establishing the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund.

Regarding to civic partnership Poland will initiate a debate on the role and importance of non-governmental  organisations and other partners in the implementation of social policy. A discussion will take place on virtual volunteering as an innovative instrument enabling implementation of social goals and its further development.

Polish Presidency internet home page: