On 8 June, Ministry of Welfare concluded an agreement with Latvian Association of Social Workers for the publication of a periodical "Social work in Latvia" dedicated to the current affairs of the industry in 2023 and 2024.

"We have double satisfaction and pleasure", believes Agnese Bidermane, head of the project "Development of Professional and Modern Social Work". "First of all, safely entrusting the future of the periodical to professionals already experienced in this field, who care about the development of the social work profession, and, second, the pleasure of the content direction of the planned autumn issue of the periodical – changes in the industry", admits Agnese.

The editorial board of the periodical relates the subject of the next issue to promoting social changes using a proactive approach and various types of resources. The periodical is expected to reach readers in September.

The periodical "Social work in Latvia" has been published since 2016, with regularity of 2 issues each year.

September 2023 issue and two issues of the periodical Social Work in Latvia in 2024 will be prepared and published within the framework of the ESF project Development of Professional and Modern Social Work.