On 2 November, within the framework of the Ministry of Welfare’s project “Development of Professional and Modern Social Work”, a workshop on “Cooperation in the Provision of Services to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings” was held in Riga. Under the guidance of Sandra Zalcmane, the workshop leader and an expert on trafficking in human beings, the social workers of municipal social services strengthened their understanding of contemporary forms of trafficking in human beings and learned how to recognize victims of trafficking. Several participants admitted that they had encountered victims of trafficking in their daily work, but had not been able to identify the problem of these clients in their first and subsequent consultations.

“The presentation of the psychologist Linda Saviele on the work of the Marta Centre with victims of trafficking in human beings was very valuable. Linda’s experience stories encouraged and convinced social workers about their resources and diverse possibilities to help such clients”, says Liesma Ose, Senior Expert of the project “Professional and Modern Development of Social Work”, who has previously worked in the field of prevention of trafficking in human beings.

In the afternoon, the workshop space turned into a kind of collaborative problem-solving laboratory: participants worked in groups to solve concrete situations, modelling the best solutions for the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in human beings with the resources of several institutions - social services, healthcare, law enforcement and others.

Gita Baltuša, a social worker at the Social Service of Marupe Municipality, admits: “Today at the workshop I strengthened my knowledge and gained confidence in the humanity of my colleagues and their willingness to learn more about the topic “Trafficking in Human Beings”, as well as their willingness to develop their skills. The time spent in the workshop passed quickly and I wanted to do more and more. I believe that social workers are special people because they have a mission to make this world a better place, to reduce pain and suffering in their fellow human beings.” Gita is convinced that the knowledge gained in the workshop will help social workers to do their job even more professionally.

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The workshop was organized in the framework of the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 under the European Social Fund Plus Action project “Development of Professional and Modern Social Work”.

The aim of the project “Development of Professional and Modern Social Work” is to improve the quality of social work as a profession and as a branch of human science and to facilitate access to social services that meet people’s current needs by investing in the professional development of social work professionals and improving the quality of social work studies.
