March is known worldwide as Social Work Month, an initiative of the International Federation of Social Workers, and World Social Work Day is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday of March. The world, our common home, is currently facing multiple crises ranging from violent conflict and environmental degradation to persistent poverty and political conflict. Against this background, social work must evolve and adopt innovative, transformative approaches that are community-based and driven by the needs of the people in communities, as well as drawing on wisdom rooted in local environments and traditions.

The theme chosen by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) for this year is “Buen Vivir” ( Good Life ): a shared future for transformative change”. The theme serves as a timely reminder of the transformative role of social workers in promoting positive change and developing sustainable communities where mutual respect and respect for nature flourish among people.

The principle of “Buen Vivir” is that true well-being is achieved when communities live in harmony with nature, collectively striving for balanced development. This approach emphasises the importance of interconnectedness, reciprocity, harmony and complementarity in human relationships and in our relationship with nature. The goal of the IFSW is to uphold this principle by promoting an eco-social world that thrives on inclusion, respect, mutual understanding and respect for human rights.

IFSW President Joachim Mumba believes that Buen Vivir resonates deeply with the core values of social work. “As we celebrate World Social Work Day, let us uphold this principle and support a future where communities and nature live in harmony, where social workers plan and build peaceful communities together with local people. This is crucial for a sustainable future for all of us,” he says.

As every year, Latvia’s professional community of social workers will celebrate World Social Work Day together with colleagues around the world. A special event during Social Work Month is the Social Work Conference on 14 March “Changes in Social Work. Community, Crisis, Opportunities”, organized by the project of the Ministry of Welfare “Development of Professional and Modern Social Work”.